Shader with Pattern and Rotation

[p5js] (Duration: 1:59)

May 2024

GitHub Page(direct play result): —— click the “view code” —— File, share and Fullscreen button —— you can see the further clarification and click it again

Precautions: Be aware of the saturated colors and their continuous changes. Some rapid rotations may cause flashing. If you feel discomfort, please stop watching the screen. Thanks!

The music was done first, followed by the animation. There was no interaction between them this time. The conventional CPU-intensive audio reactive visualizer's performance limitations prompted me to independently investigate and explore Shaders (including both Vertex and Fragment Shaders). I eagerly anticipate future opportunities to utilize OpenGL Shading Language to produce interactive sound and visual arts.

道 Taoism.mp3 in the folder is from my unreleased album People Need Belief. It should be automatically played when the sketch is played.